Indiana University Bloomington

Additional Questions

Schools now have the option to add up to 15 extra questions at the end of the INYS. Schools can make up their own questions based on local interests or can choose from existing questions from other national youth surveys. Simply modify the template provided and send us a copy of the extra questions before your survey date(s). The IPRC will provide analysis of these questions in the school corporation report of the survey results.

Below is a list of potential questions sorted by topic and a PDF document where you can find over 200 existing survey questions to choose from. Please download the instructions and template for adding additional items.

Additional Existing Survey Questions

Topic Source Page number Question Numbers
Nutrition, Exercise, and Wellness
(including obesity)
YRBS 2021 p. 16-20 #71-90
Safety YRBS 2021 p. 4 #8-12
Violent Behaviors, Interpersonal Violence,
and Bullying
YRBS 2021 p. 5-7 #13-25
Sexual Behavior YRBS 2021 p. 14-16 #62-70
Mental Health
(depression, suicide, support group)
YRBS 2021
CTC 2014
NSDUH 2013
YRBS p. 7-8
CTC p.23
NSDUH p.332
YRBS #26-30

NSDUH #YE22, #YE23b
Exposure to Prevention Programs/Messages NSDUH 2013 p. 332-334 #YE23c,g,o, #YE24a,b,c, #YE25
Community Factors CTC 2014
NSDUH 2013
p. 3-6
p. 332-334
#YE23c,g,o, #YE24a,b,c, #YE25
Family Factors CTC 2014
NHSTA Underage Drinking
NOMS 2008
p. 7-11
p. xiv

NHSTA #11-12
NOMs #11
School Factors CTC 2014 p.11-13  
Peer/Individual Factors CTC 2014
NSDUH 2013
NHSTA Underage Drinking
CTC p. 14-22
NSDUH p.328
NHSTA p.xiv

NHSTA #19-20
Additional Tobacco Questions NYTS 2012 All All
Social Norms The Positive Community Norms Student Survey, Montana Institute All All